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Your support, through United Way, provides many solutions.

[United Way WRC Community 2024](

As the largest private funder of social services in Waterloo Region, United Way raises millions of dollars every year to ensure support is available for community members, who often face multiple challenges related to poverty and inequities.

From emergency food and shelter services; to counselling and harm reduction programs; to mentorship activities that give vulnerable young people a chance at a better future - the programs and services funded by United Way make up a vital network of support in Waterloo Region.

Poverty is complex, and that is why our funding supports hundreds of organizations. The support of local workplaces and individuals is critical in keeping programs open and accessible.

Without you, there is no way.

United Way is a leader, locally and nationally, convening and mobilizing people around the most pressing needs and issues.

Campaign for a Cause

By targeting your donations, United Way Waterloo Region Communities strives to produce a direct and lasting impact in 7 focused cause-based areas, with equity and inclusion an important factor in allocation across all areas.

2024 Targeted Campaign Areas_Updated 08.27.2024.png

United Way’s Impact in Waterloo Region

Together We Can Build a Stronger Waterloo Region

In the last 12 months, we have be able to invest in 76 local organizations and programs and collaborate and advocate with many more.

Our Promises to You

As we continue to respond in real-time to urgent needs on the ground, and plan for future challenges,

United Way will continue to: